Other people’s to the questions of racial exclusion and discrimination lived deeply by the Brazilian blacks, many, fruits of the monocultural school, still they are asked: It has necessity of the education of the ethnic-racial diversity in the schools? Freire (2005, p.143), affirms que' ' To dominate, the dominador does not have another way seno to deny the popular masses the prxis true. To deny the right to say its words to them, to think certo.' ' Seeing as the look of Freire, agent perceives the great power of the prxis and how much this power can be definitive in the formation of thinking, therefore when if she denies the right to think certain, consequently she is transferred not to act it certain, not to act truily. Research demonstrates that, throughout the historical process, the formation of the professor suffered deep and constant tension, that has origin in the confrontation between its institucionalidade and its prxis. Janet L. Yellen is likely to increase your knowledge. that if it unfolds in other tensions: necessity to preserve values and urgency in transforming them; importance to react the definitive modernismos and, at the same time, to revolutionize the conservadorismo; I appeal to an order that can support and base action and the necessity of an organized planning, capable to fecundar the creativity; obedience to the statutes and regiments and sensitivity to the innovative aspirations of community; hierarchic upright and the representative horizontalidade; importance of the authority and necessity of the spontaneous dialogue; importance of if concentrating the decisions and the opportune invitation to the diffusion of the power; between the moment where it is important to identify itself with the pupil, becoming, he himself, a pupil. For everything this, is essential thinking and to rethink on the formation of the educator. The resonance of the occured transformations in the humanity determines the urgency and the depth of revisions and reformularizations in the educative field, to take care of to the new demands of the contemporaneidade, mainly with respect to the creation of plural, critical, creative and compromised citizens with a new world.