To this communication the denunciation would be due to enclose that previously we have interposed. – For the inclusion of the data of non-payment in the registries or files of unpaid debts a debt is demanded that the debt certain, is overcome, indispensable and that have been pending payment, by such circumstance in which is pending to explain the celebration of the corresponding contract is not indispensable, until the verification of the veracity of the facts, that is to say its certainty. – Also it is demanded that the creditor has required of payment to the indebted one before informing the data to the organization responsible for the management. Requirement that must necessarily be credited. – In addition one is due to try that one has inquired previously into which in case of non-payment, would be come to the inscription in this type of files – And finally, if all the previous requirements are fulfilled, the person in charge of the file of weak people, must notify the person who is going to be including in the file, previously, of its inclusion, so that she can defend his position. This circumstance also is forgotten, in infinity of occasions.