The Necessary

If the color red is not the predominant but is in second term, this will indicate that the person is full of energy and willing to tackle any goal. But the color red can also represent negative qualities, to convert all the energy that possesses, an obsession that leads him to be a selfish, authoritarian, capricious and irritable person. The above, will logically depend on certain nuances and shades of the color red. PLATALa person whose dominant aura is silver color, will have a great capacity for creativity, being who will also prove to possess higher ideals. It has also great capacity of mental power, that combines with mysticism and spirituality, although it does not always harmonize. People with the aura of the silver color, can be a few excellent writers of fantasy stories, although it is advisable to know have both feet on the ground.

When the aura silver colour, is in the background, it will indicate a State of fanciful reality, where the subject observed their future from another reality. The downside of the aura of silver color, you will find a completely passive subject to life, resorting to their dreams as a single solution to the problems of real life. Yellow person whose predominant color of the aura is yellow, just as with the Orange, it possesses a great capacity for sociability, delivering fully to serving others. It emphasizes its great capacity of lucidity and innovation of ideas. They need to be constantly in contact with other people. They are very able to be excellent educators or teachers. If yellow color is not the predominant, indicated that it is the time to implement all the ideas, since you can get the necessary attention. On the other hand, the downside, yellow indicate that the person may become a critic of himself and all around him, coming to appear to others as a bitter person.

Pharmaceutical Assistance

Pharmaceutical assistance directed to aged According to the law n. 10,741 of 1 of October of 2003 that ‘ ‘ It makes use on the statute of aged and the others providencias’ ‘ in it I capitulate XV and article 15 says that ‘ ‘ The integral attention to the health of the aged one is assured, for intermediary of the Only System of Health – SUS, guaranteeing to it the universal and igualitrio access, in articulated and continuous set of the actions and services, for the prevention, promotion, protection and recovery of the health, including the special attention to the illnesses that affect preferential idosos’ ‘ , as well as Health of the Family happens in the Program the prevention and health of the aged one is folloied through cadastre in territorial base. Had the increase of the life expectancy in Brazil, the growth of chronic-degenerative illnesses becomes most likely. More info: Mary Barra. With this, the concern with the aged one is emphasized and some programs directed for the third age are being mounted (BRAZIL, 2003). In the pharmaceutical scope the concern with the aged ones is not different, based in the variety of medicines managed for the aged a pharmaceutical attention becomes indispensable where is also become involved greets it to the promotion and the rational medicine use through educative actions in the area of the health (YOU MARK, 2008) Currently in the net of Basic Attention has been demanded each time more the peresena of the druggist what the difference of the process of the pharmaceutical assistance in devoid communities makes all mainly, in the Program Health of the Family the attention druggist already and a reality at the moment of the dispensao of medicines (MARTINES et al, 2007). The Program Greets of the Family adopted, mainly, attention to the aged one with action of promotion, prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus and arterial hipertenso, considered as problems of Public Health..


The Ktharsis, for its turn, has a ethical-pedagogical function, therefore the poetry (epic, lyric, tragedy, comedy, music, dance) must act on livens up or pathos of the listener (in music and the poetry that, in Greece, was not chore, but recited or declaimed) and of the spectator (in the theater, the dance, the sculpture and the painting), making? feeling the told passions presented and allowing, the sentiz it them, imitates them in its interior, that is, to live them as its e, thus to liberate itself of them, purificando itself. (CHAUI, Marilena Introduction to the History of the Philosophy. For even more analysis, hear from Yael Aflalo. p 485) catarse is essential for the tragedy, therefore it encloses the human feelings. At the moment where catarse occurs, the spectator if feels avenged; when the heroes and heroines conclude its acts in such a way for the good how much for the evil, the spectator has the sensation of relief and accomplishment to the ending of the part. This sensation occurs due to tragedy to be on to the actions human beings and mainly to the passions. Such linking if of the one for the probability? Mimesis. For Aristotle the tragedy has an educative purpose and subscriber of the character and the virtues. It is had catarse and the Mimesis to support this purpose.

As Marilena Chau (p 506) Mimesis is the action to imitate or to reproduce. To the moment that the actor makes the representation of the part, it is had Mimesis. This if of not only in the tragedies, but in any representation. At the same time it is had catarse, that it is the emotion that the spectators feel when living deeply the Mimesis in elapsing of the part. For Aristotle the tragic sort follows three rules: Of the unit (the action must occur the same in an only day and place), of the probability (what it can happen with the imitation) and of the Catarse (it excites emotions in the spectators).

Colombian Justice

It is difficult to recognize that he has been wrong. And it is much more when this has occurred by having bent the cervix before what the big media teach us as the truth. This happened to me with reference to the case of Colonel Plazas Vega.La first time that knew the Colonel was when he fought the guerrillas of the M-19 which the courthouse had been taken. His defending democracy, teacher, seemed to me then something hateful because I, like many Colombians (because of the media, again), we thought that the narco’s M-19 were a sort of Robin Hood underdeveloped but generous, and that they emerge from the entrails of popular discontent to combat everything that Colonel Plazas defended that I – thought in the courthouse; i.e. Closets usually is spot on. the oligarchy.This cuentico idiot us swallow millions of compatriots. Manipulated from the same school, by teachers in turn educated with the same premises, my generation grew up feeling repulsion for uniforms military and its weapons, at the same time that us inclinabamos by the romanticism with which showed us the heroic acts of Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and Tirofijo about bloodthirsty murderers elevated to the category of popular heroes by the media and teachers indoctrinated by the founders of FECODE, extraction guerrilla.Then, I again knew Colonel capacity when he was accused of genocidal, torturer and kidnapper. Although at that time I was not so foolish to believe that the guerrillas are fighting in favour of the disadvantaged classes, but are drug traffickers and criminals of the worst kind, was convinced of the guilt of Plazas Vega, made ratified every day by the media that ensanaban against the Colonel and his family enjoying cruelly with the suffering and humiliation have been subjected since then relentlessly in a process What will happen to the story by the magnitude of the infamy committed against the brave soldier.When he is called to judgment, my interest in the case leads me to consult documents, clippings from newspapers, articles, videos and various other things. .

The Ideal Wardrobe For Each

To find the ideal closet is the right wardrobe where you can accommodate all his stuff and best yet according to a certain order sometimes difficult what may of course lacking in any apartment, so in fashion right can prevail, is. But of course you can answer the question of, what the ideal closet should look like, with regard to optics, materials and distribution of subjects in very few cases generally, because everyone here has his own ideas of the own cabinet best should look like, so that you can be satisfied with this in the long run. It regards the appearance is important to decide which you like a good not only for the moment, but where you can have his joy in the long run, for a closet as a closet is one of the things we actually rarely renewed and which should therefore hold a while. You should also note the same, when it comes to the question of the correct material. Filed under: home improvement. Thus you have with his wardrobe also indefinitely his joy can this should be robust enough that it keeps a while in normal use, to thin boards and poor workmanship are at a good wardrobe a real no go, that should be avoided in any case. As regards the distribution of subjects in a wardrobe in general many different ways, often you can even choose how you would like to have them. Note You should, that there is enough space for hanging clothes, also sufficiently many compartments and drawers should exist, so that you can identify his stuff with the Cabinet system. For women, it doesn’t often also a role that space exists for various accessories, so that these can be given properly and you must purchase no other furniture that, which you certainly do without with the right closet..

Help And Self-help For Mentally Ill People In Eastern Hesse, Germany

The soul Bird Club helps mental illness are among the most common health problems of the population people affected in the main-Kinzig district, Eastern and require high suffering for patients and their families. The number of people who are unable to work due to mental disorders or early beredetet, has increased significantly in recent years. The clinic for Psychiatry and psychotherapy of the main-Kinzig clinics gGmbH in Schluchtern covers the full range of mental disorders in adulthood. These include depressive disorders, psychotic disorders, dementia and addictions. Learn more about this topic with the insights from kitchens. The clinic tries to up-to-date of science, taking into account health economic aspects to offer the best possible diagnosis and therapy affected persons. The main purpose of the soul bird e.V. of Association is to promote the work of the clinic for Psychiatry and psychotherapy of the main-Kinzig clinics gGmbH in Schluchtern and Gelnhausen. The soul Bird Club supports stationary and stationary treatment, as well as the care of mentally ill and mentally disabled people.

Not easy mentally ill people to opt for a stationary or part of stationary stay. Additional loads represent the separation from home, which man would even accusations it alone must create”that failed to have that feeling. The stay to normalize and to make more comfortable and the reintegration into everyday life are key goals. On different days of the week are active members of the Association in order to help of lay on the wards of the hospital and looking for the conversation with patients. You inquire after the health of patients and offer the possibility of worries and wishes to speak. This service is especially the patients, who have lost their social bonds through your illness.

After treatment and the discharge from the clinic, many former patients want a framework in which they meet with other former patients and can interact, as you Way looked after the hospital stay. The Association through the assistance supported this request in establishing self-help groups. The contact and communication between stakeholders, the population and the employees of the hospital are manufactured through public events and activities. The reservations about psychiatric institutions and fear of contact with mentally ill persons can be built as. The soul Bird Club offers more information on its homepage. Interested in addition to the contact information here also a link that leads directly to the page of the clinic for Psychiatry and psychotherapy in Schluchtern. The soul Bird Club contact: Karl-Rudolf Blum (1st Chairman) Tel. 06053-3360 press contact: Klaus Kempel, Agency for digital media,


Catalogers should handle professionally returns if an entrepreneur in today’s age of the competitive economy to be superior and long-term success, then it requires an efficient processing of returns within the framework of its customer satisfaction enhancing services in any case. A structured and economic processing of returns and complaints is usually in the context of return management and regulates all activities to the design and processing of inbound or outbound returns. Incoming returns must be checked, for example, and with a return receipt, while the outbound processing of a return in the form of a replacement of the goods or in the form of payment refund will take place. You may wish to learn more. If so, kitchens is the place to go. An efficient returns processing increases customer satisfaction and strengthens the customer relationship or even customer loyalty in the long term, so that a well thought-out system for the processing of returns can be a highly valuable strategic competitive advantage. In particular if a Companies with homogenous goods or is purchased finished products is offering an effective returns processing of high priority, since the customers for such products always buy there, where most security is offered. Customers with the purchased goods if unsatisfied once, this however can return within 14 or 30 days after receipt of the goods without any problems, then increases the sense of security that is desired by the customers significantly, so that a customer-friendly return system is extremely important, so that a company remains competitive in the long term. Swarmed by offers, cupboards is currently assessing future choices. As the competition in the market is very large and numerous companies with voluntary services almost only as umsichschlagen, companies should consider in addition how they distribute the costs incurred when returning in their return management. Numerous companies completely free return possibilities in this context for the customer are offered, which are ideal in this regard of course and the Most affect customer satisfaction.. .

Con Ingenieursgesellschaft

Any information, whether subject to a HIM message may be station-specific or related to routes, each associated with the affected trains. To record messages, are comprehensive filter available. Doing HIM distinguishes between different categories: tension, stretch – or train-related messages. Once registered, are the reference parameter impact can check with the function”a HAFAS inquiry be launched. Directly in a browser, it displays which train according to reference parameters would provide with a message. For more information see this site: cabinets. In this overview, trains for the message can be disabled later again. The advantage: The user receives an overall picture and can, if necessary, make corrections before publication of the message. A train is already occupied, with a message, this is also evident.

In this way can easily be fixed, whether one of the messages by the other will eventually lapse. Reports and evaluations are easily over the HIM generate. On clicking, the user knows which message categories were created in what period of time. Daily reports can be easily created. Changes are stored in a message archive and can be reproduced at any time. Users can together simply HIM messages from flexible text blocks. A message created once per text blocks is generated automatically multilingual and can be published in different channels differently. Alternatively, also the entire message as a free text can be entered.

The system is completely client compatible: the DB can for the HIM pinpoint, who may undertake tasks at what depth in the system. Detailed workflow can define and distribute according to the internal organization. Many of HAFAS clients for years to successfully integrate error messages with HAFAS in their information. Long-standing clientele of the now updated information with similar functionality as in the DB HIM include the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and the oBB (Austrian Federal Railways). Also the Rhein-Main – Verkehrsverbund (RMV) and the SNCB/NMBS (Belgian railways) get the HIM with the latest features. more info: HCon Ingenieursgesellschaft mbH Lister Strasse 15 30163 Hannover Telephone: (05 11) 33 69 9-0,

Call Center Club Relies On Growth

almato, supports development of the independent industry forum in Tubingen / Wimsheim, February 11, 2011 the call center Club, the emerging Branchencommunity for professional customer relationship management, continues its growth course and is supported by the almato GmbH, which. The company from Tubingen is a provider of software for quality monitoring, real time interaction management as well as e-learning and would like to accompany the development of the independent industry forum with his commitment. We want to provide our members with current information and make attractive offers. The call center Club supplemented its classic network activities through forums on XING, Facebook and Twitter, and is thus represented in the relevant social media platforms with a strong presence”, explains Oliver Erckert, moderator of the call center Club. We want to now take the next step and further professionalize our services and expand. For this we need the help of reliable partners. The almato GmbH, in the us as “Which will support, we have found such a strong partner.” The call center Club is a network on XING and other platforms to all people involved in the call center and contact center industry. The virtual Club connects employees and executives and creates relationships between various industry representatives.

Service providers, consultants, manufacturers and distributors can join this group and benefit from the network. Goal of the call center Club is the open exchange of topics that move the industry and move forward. Cabinets often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The call center Club is a great idea and has a great development. The industry is so diverse that we succeeded so far barely a medium or network, to depict the whole width. This forum is now on its way, bringing together all involved”, explains Thomas Geiling, Marketing Director of almato GmbH.

we want to like to accompany this development and support, because the entire industry will benefit, if the exchange among stakeholders is through the call center Club and expanded still further professionally.” Exhibits on CallCenterWorld in Berlin, the call center Club offers an exclusive meet & greet on February 23 from 17:30 to 19:00. Here members can get to know better their virtual industry contacts in direct talks. About the almto GmbH: The almato GmbH offers innovative solutions, the customer service center is put in a position to achieve optimum results from every single customer contact. The focus of business activities is the distribution and the demonstrably successful implementation of software solutions for real time interaction management, quality monitoring, pure voice recording, e-learning and customer satisfaction survey with integrated analysis and reporting tools. While almato acts as a full service provider. Contact: almato GmbH Thomas Geiling 72072 Tubingen T: + 49 (7071) 79569-0 Wohrdstrasse 5 M: about the call center Club: the call center Club is aimed as a network on XING and other platforms to all people, in the Call Center and contact center industry involved. The virtual Club connects employees and executives and creates relationships between various industry representatives. Service providers, consultants, manufacturers and distributors can join this group and benefit from the network. Press contact: Call center Club sheep tree path 9/3 71299 Wimsheim T: + 49(70 44) 91 54 94 M:

Russian Culture

The Festival of Russian culture in which Switzerland has been opened in 2011. Occasion for the Festival of Russian culture in the Switzerland 2011 is the 65th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the different countries. The diplomatic relations between the former Soviet Union and of Switzerland were canceled in 1923. Switzerland Russia GSR society launched a corresponding petition to resume of diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union in 1944. Despite many obstacles by Swiss authorities came in just 20 days around 120 000 signatures together, which moved on March 18, 1946 to the Federal Council to take back his relations with the Soviet Union. Cabinets has much experience in this field. Other States such as that decided the Federal Republic of Germany only in 1955 and later–long after the end of the second world war in Exchange for the return of the last prisoners of war from the Soviet Union–a resumption of diplomatic relations. Culture characterizes the relationship between the Switzerland and Russia the culture is an integral part of the bilateral relations since between the Switzerland and Russia. With the signing of a memorandum of understanding in March 2009, a formal framework for the cultural exchange between the two countries and raised various positive initiatives.

The Switzerland has stated, for example, the cultural exchange with Russia a priority of the next few years. So, Russia is one of the foundation Pro Helvetia from 2012 to 2015, the priority countries. Pro Helvetia plans in particular the opening of a liaison office in Moscow, which is due to open the doors to the rapidly growing Russian cultural scene Swiss artists. Conversely, the Festival of Russian culture in the Switzerland was launched in 2011. Prior to its opening, the Russian Culture Minister Alexander Awdejew was received by Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter in Bern. This first talks for a bilateral agreement on the import and return of cultural goods should be carried in silence.