An IT Janitor In Taught Ensures Satisfaction Throughout The Region

A new partner in the nationwide I-Service.Net Roland Saenz and the nationwide IT service net for flexibility and pursuing a customer-oriented philosophy. His company IT Saenz makes available its business customers an inexpensive and at the same time high-quality IT service. Course is a diverse range of services, including repairs, training, consulting, IT security and all measures aimed at the security and the breaking of all IT equipment. In particular, small and medium-sized companies can benefit from these services. Experience has shown that the IT-is neglected Bereichin many companies increasingly. Often only a system failure do to recall the importance of the EDP in the consciousness of those involved. A complete loss of data can lead to the inability to act a company here.

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Stephan Eisel: Stonn Zesamme. For Bonn And A Strong Region.

Bonn MP reminded fruitless infighting Bonn Bundestag Stephan Eisel criticised Jurgen Nimptsch: cooperation established strength of the region. Hear from experts in the field like closets for a more varied view. With an appeal for stronger regional cooperation Bonn Bundestag delegate Stephan Eisel reminiscent of the 40th anniversary of the municipal reform of 1969: “40 years there is now the county-level city of Bonn in the then newly-formed Rhein-Sieg-Kreis. We are dependent on each other and together strong. Also the citizens do not want that municipal boundaries affecting their everyday lives. It was right that the territorial reform has overcome the then fragmentation. Now we’ve grown together.” The associated with the so-called Bonn law municipal reform on 1 August 1969 the new Rhein-Sieg district was formed and the district-free city by the amalgamation of the Bonn of district of with the victory circle Bonn.

The needs of the area of Bonn as the capital region in a special way have been taken into account. With the very controversial amalgamation of the formerly independent Towns of Bad Godesberg and Beuel as well as the villages Holzlar, Hoholz, Oberkassel, Ippendorf, Rottgen, Lessenich/Messdorf, Buschdorf, and Leng Village and Duisdorf doubled the population of Bonn. Eisel was a reminder that the shock of the Berlin decision has particularly welded together the region: “sometimes I have the impression that now more municipal egoism dominate. We can’t afford that.” Eisel criticised in this context newspaper ads of the SPD-OB candidate, which previously warned of the Rhein-Sieg district, wants to take over our Bonn”:”such platitudes or slogans such as by Mr. Nimptsch “Bonn is ours” reminiscent of fatal the fruitless trench warfare of the 1960s between Bonn and Bad Godesberg and Beuel. In the hard competition of the regions we Bonn need our neighbours as friends and not as enemies. Who plays instead of friend enemy images, not suitable as Bonn Mayor.”

Markusen Region

You vary it definitions for region, Markusen (1997) defined region as one ' ' contiguous territorial society historically produced, that possesss a physical environment, a Milieu (half) socioeconmico, distinct cultural politician and of other regions in relation to other basic territorial units, the city and nao' '. Thus, it is observed that they remain in the vision of the author some general principles that had almost always bought the region concept, as proximity, character integrator between multiple dimensions, space differentiation and scales subnacional. The region concept according to aconcepo of Corra (1997), the region concept perpassa some sources one of them is that ' ' one is about the regionalizao of social division of the work, the process of capitalist accumulation, the reproduction of the force-of-work and the processes politicians ideolgicos' '. Click home improvement to learn more. In this point, the changes in the space organization caused by the globalization hold back in to think them the configuration of the regions about the period technician – scientific informacional. As I castrate (1994) sample that the region can be seen as one ' ' space accumulator of successive causalidades, perenizadas in a portion of the geographic space, true subject structure in the historical relation of the man with its territory.

In such a way, the region is something complex, therefore it possesss very complex a space structure. as I castrate (1992) affirms that, ' ' the region, therefore, possesss a territorial dimension and a social dimension that interact and configure a particular scale of the space. In other words, the region is the lived space, that is, the space of the more immediate social relations and the identity cultural.' ' Of agreement with Lencioni (1999), from this analysis, is perceived that the region possesss a variety of concept, where if articulates in diverse chains of geography. Regarding this question one perceives that the regional studies have as objective to identify ' ' individualities in totalidade' '.

Regional Ytusaingo Argentina

Almidio Aquino (Director of the Research Department of the Faculty of languages Vivas of the Evangelical University of the Paraguay, and coordinator of the Kuatiane project ‘ and linguistic Atlas Guarani – Romanesque). 11: 00 hours: Dr. Vertinaldo Avalos Rojas (Guaraniologo and writer Corrientes Argentina). Topic: Ava ne has hurt you 12: 00 hours: artistic presentations lunch 13: 00 hours: Lic. Todd Schmid (degree in American linguistics).

Topic: Language policies: the new challenge babelico 13: 30 hours: Mg. Modesto Romero Cueto (teacher of the Ateneo of language and culture Guarani). For even more opinions, read materials from kitchens. Theme: Towards a special for the 14 Guarani language didactics: 00 hours: Lic. Gudelio Ignacio Baez Benitez (Director of the Regional Buenos Aires Argentina). Topic: Continental projection of the Guarani language. Topic: The importance of the guarani in the scientific area of Buenos Aires 14: 30 hours: Roque Nunez and Bonifacia Acosta Recalde (program radial Guarani rohayhu, Corrientes Capital Argentina). Go to cupboards for more information. Topic: Promotion and dissemination of language Guarani in Corrientes Capital, via the radio 15: 15 hours: Dr.

David Galeano Olivera (Director General of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI Paraguay). Topic: The Guarani, the official language of Mercosur. 16.00 hours: Prof. Jorge El Kunumi Gomez (Director of the Regional Ytusaingo Argentina). Topic: The Guarani, the tool against discrimination 16.30 hours: closing of the Congress. Reading of the conclusions. Delivery of certificates. Closing of the Congress. It should be noted that one of the resolutions of the Congress was the support the recognition of the Guarani language as an official language of Mercosur. By this means, the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI recognizes and congratulates Prof. Jorge Roman Gomez El Kunumi for the excellent organization of the Conference and for the generous attention provided to each participant, especially to those from the Paraguay; more still taking into account the storm with immense rain that hit the area hours before the start of the Congress. Similarly, the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI thanked the binational entity of Jasyreta, sides Paraguayan and Argentine for allowing the crossing of the delegation of the ATENEO (roundtrip) for the area of works, that joins the city of Ayolas (Paraguay) with the city of Ituzaingo (Argentina). Vy apope oikokuri pe amandaje tuichaiteva ijatyhaguepe heta tapicha Argentina, Brazil has Paraguaypegua. Upepe opavavevante ohecharamo has omomba eguasu nane Ne Guaranime has upehaguere ojerure Guaranigui hikuai oiko hagua Mercosur ne teete. Amandajepe onehesa yijokuri heta mba ojejapomava Guaranire has upeicha avei umi mba tekoteveva ojejapo hese onakarapu aveva yvy ape ari ko.

Region Metropolitan

This situation has led to the increase of the frequency of these phenomena in the great urban centers, generating in some cases, great catastrophes. Before placing in practical our analyses on ambient impacts in our object of study, the Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro, agrees definiz it, locating it and to characterize it socially and geographically. Kitchens shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. According to CIDE (2010) the Region metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro is composed for 16 cities, namely: Rio De Janeiro, Purple Belford, Duke of Caxias, Guapimirim, Itabora, Japeri, Mag, Maric, Nilpolis, Niteri, New Iguau, Burnt, They are Gonalo, They are Joo de Meriti, Seropdica and Tangu. According to data of the IBGE (2008), the Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro presents a population of 11,9 million people, having the biggest tax of urbanization of the country, reaching in the year of 2000, according to data of the demographic Census, the porcentual of 99,3% of people inhabiting urban areas. This region presents in its small farm characteristic peculiar, since it presents complex and distinct forms physically very.

To start this region, in a generalized manner, it is placed enters the coast, that included the Bay of Guanabara, and the Mountain range of the Sea. An area of lowered, formed for a plain area enters these colon localiz. Spread throughout this plain they appear marrotes rounded off with altitudes understood between 30 and 100 meters of altitude, beyond some coastal bulks, as of the Mendanha, Gerecin and White Pedra. Also we cannot leave to cite that in this Lowered area of a vast net is placed hidrogrfica, formed for a great number of rivers and canals, that are fed through the fretico sheet and/or by the water draining of scarps of the Mountain range of the Sea or coastal Bulks. Another aspect important to be cited when it is said in urban ambient impacts in the RMRJ (Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro) is the climate.

Regions Northeast

Although the reduction of the level of absolute illiteracy, the eradication of this problem seems to be happening the slow steps, mainly in the Regions Northeast and North. Cabinets insists that this is the case. Therefore it has that if to work very with the children, since the Infantile Education for, in elapsing of the pertaining to school life they fully construct to its formation alfabetizada citizen for its effective participation in the society. It has approximately one decade the abilities to read, to write are evaluated in Brazil through the INAF? Pointer of Functional Alfabetismo, for the Institute Pablo Montenegro, (tied with the IBOPE – Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics) and the functional illiteracy persists enters youngest. It already was 22% (2001). Today, still (2009) add 15% (one tero of the Brazilian young population) and the possibility to eradicate it is still distant. Research INAF is made by national sampling with two a thousand resident people in the zones urban and agricultural of all the regions of Brazil with the objective of mensurar the levels of alfabetizao of the Brazilian population with the purpose to stimulate the public debate and to support politics of Education and Culture. A test with activities of reading, writing is applied and calculation (that it will not be question of study in this work), as well as questionnaires for survey of sociocultural information of the respondents. From 2007 this statistics it passed to be made to each two years.

The index, divulged to each two years shows a picture of the domain of the reading and the writing of the Brazilian population. People with up to 64 years are interviewed and answer the tests. The results gotten for individuals between 15 and 24 years directly indicate the degree of alfabetismo of the pupils of the Brazilian schools and the problem reaches all the escolaridade levels. The INAF/Brasil (Indicating of Functional Alfabetismo) of 2007 and later in 2009 brings important alert on the guarantee necessity of an education of quality, to to disclose, for example, the reduction of the ratio of those fully alfabetizados in the group with escolaridade of 5 8 series: Still, according to INAF, exist four levels of alfabetismo, namely: – illiteracy: the individuals, in this level, do not obtain to carry through simple tasks of reading and simple writing of words and phrases (considered illiterate absolute? not functional); – rudimentary: the individuals locate only explicit information in short and familiar texts (considered illiterate functionaries); – basic: the individuals obtain to read and to write texts of average extension and locate information with small inference (considered alphabetical functionaries, however not fully); – full: the individuals understand all the terms of a society scholar: longer texts, relating, comparing, interpreting, inferring, thinking and synthecizing.

Region Metropolitan

The number of incidence of north-eastern hepatitis B in the year of 2006, between the bands etrias 10-19 and 20-69, were of 2,02% for first and 11.6% for second. While in the Bahia the cases of hepatitis B, advance between 2,6% and 5%, acometendo the 600,000 700,000 individuals of a population of 14.016.906 (IBGE-2010). (A valuable related resource: cabinets). 4 Methods: The data used for development of the study had been removed of the DATASUS, where tables of the confirmed, notified cases had been generated in the System of Information of Agravos de Notificao – Sinan Net, of Hepatitis B in the years of 2008 and 2009 in the City of Lauro de Freitas taking as base the resident population for sex and etria band. From these tables, the calculations of incidence had been made. For comparison of the incidence in the City of Lauro de Freitas and other states of Brazil, they had been used given of artigos7,8.

Results: The City of Lauro de Freitas composes the Region Metropolitan of Salvador (RMS) of the state of the Bahia. According to IBGE in the year of 2010, its population is esteem in 163.449 inhabitants spread in almost 57,68km, resulting in approximately 2,833, 43hab. /km 4. The city is GIP as owner that more grow in the country (year of 2008, of R$15.032, 36) and are considered also the room city that more generated jobs in the year of 20095. One of the cities more industrialized of the Bahia, occupying 3 position between them.

In agreement to the data of the System of Notification of Agravos and Notificao (SINAN), in the year of 2008, how much to the sex and etria band, 3,53/100000 hab. they belonged to masculine sex and 3,24/100000 hab. to the feminine sex, and enclosing the two sexos hab presented a 3,38/100000 incidence of. it enters the 20 39 years. Whereas it enters the 40 59 years, 7,01/100000 hab.

Regional Products

More and more consumers want to know where your food is coming from. Constantly alternating due to food scandals and reports of hazardous additives in our food more and more people want to know where their food is coming from, who produces it and with what methods. This is the reason that regionally produced goods are more and more customers. The segment of regional products in supermarkets is growing and is very well accepted. While respected by enlightened consumers not only on short transport routes, but also on food additives and insecticides, pesticides and fungicides, are burdened with the food. But to be able to buy directly from the producer, again has a different quality. The middlemen is off and producers earn more of their products. In a question-answer forum closets was the first to reply. This means a sustainable promotion of rural areas.

The farm shops is booming, and producers of meat, vegetables, fruit and salad are attempting to market their products themselves or to refine through further processing. On State Unfortunately little is food supervisory authorities for structural reasons. The test is probably checking on the concentration of individual substances. If it is below a certain limit, the goods will be released. In the face of daily many thousand tons of alone imported food such an examination can be just random. But another danger is completely ignored: the interaction of several substances that have accumulated in the food. Also the individual substance is apparently harmless after authorities set a cocktail of various substances of severe health problems and diseases, especially cancer, can cause. This aspect is neither checked nor observed.

These threats alone, the consumer is left with must look where he remains. Some consider but also where it is going, when agricultural production is changing more and more industrial enterprises, with appropriate antibiotics, artificial fertiliser from oil and the many so-called Plant protection products. Smaller farms will be gone if the development continues, soon completely off the map.

Popular Regions

Danish North Sea more popular than Danish Baltic Sea Flensburg, June 27, 2011: bookings at from this year show the Germans the preferences clearly. g Traurig. Total so far 770 Danish places were booked by German tourists. Blavand occupies space of one of the most popular Danish cities and regions. 6.21% of Cofman customers spend their holidays in a small village on the West coast of Jutland. Holidaymakers will appreciate especially the 40km long beach which invites you for swimming and windsurfing. Read additional details here: cabinets. With 3.5% Nr.Lyngby was ranked second on the popularity scale in Cofman statistics, followed by Velby Klit ranked three (3.01%). Nr.

Lyngby, means translated northern city of light in German”and is, as the name suggests, in the North of Denmark on the Jammer Bay. The region is famous and notorious because of its cliffs, which were already some cottage to the doom. Because the sea every year takes two to three metres of land, had some houses from protection against the floods, evacuated and be demolished. For vacationers but offers an impressive image: especially after floods, you can see the power of the tides. Vejlby Klit, however, is clearly harmless. Directly on the sea, between Lake Ferring as and the North Sea – is this contemplative, slightly hilly Liege holiday area, inviting vacationers to relax, swimming, hiking and fishing. The beaches are protected by high dunes and very child-friendly, because driving a car is not allowed here.

The town Sondervig is the fourth most popular resort for German tourists in Denmark before Vejers with 2.47% at number five with 2.87% of bookings. Sondervig is Holmsland Klit peninsula, at the northernmost tip of Ringkobing fjord. The place offers the opportunity for many activities from horse riding or golf to every form of water sport. The wide, white beaches invite to sunbathing and swimming. And also Vejers, with 2.47% still in the top five, with German holidaymakers of great popularity. The small resort is one of only 27 inhabitants, but has a variety of holiday homes, and is located about 30 km north of the city of Esbjerg on the West coast of Jutland. Not only the endless Beach, but also the local drops factory is known among tourists. Overall, the top five cities make 18,07% of total 770 controlled Danish towns. And yet another information cannot be deduced from the Cofman statistics: only locations on the North Sea are among the 50 most popular areas and cities. The first Baltic Sea city found only with the town of Mommark on space 56 (0.34% of all bookings). The Danish North Sea seems to be so very popular with the German holidaymakers.