The Interest

The act to know occurs for the intercommunication, and in this manner the men if they educate in a dialgica perspective. One expects that the school can develop the knowledge of the pupils, and this not it occurs when the professor assumes the role of detainer of knowing, in relation to the contents that they need to be apprehended by its pupils. This traditionally played way punishes when it has failure and premia when it has success. For much time the traditional education predominated that alienated the students, leaving them unsafe in relation to the learning process. Professors who did not admit to move, did not create roots, only anchored its knowledge obtain for transmitiz them it its pupils, what he became the dull and tiring lessons.

However today, face to the new conceptions of process educational, the dialogue it started to constitute the center of interest of all educative process. The measure of the motivation figures as a problem of extreme practical importance, in the most varied fields of the activity human being and, over all, in the school, being this knowledge the key of the control of the behavior, and great value professor to know it that some reasons predominate on others, in order to guide its pupils to the reach of the objectives of the learning. It is not enough to explain the content well that teaches, and to demand that the pupils learn. It is necessary to awake the attention of the pupil and to create in it the interest, being stimulated its desire to obtain good results in the learning process, cultivating in it the taste for the activity. The lack of the dialogue leads to the increase of the emotional tension, the problems to discipline, fatigue and little efficient learning of the classroom. The student passes great part of the daily pertaining to school making something that he does not desire, and of which he does not have a positive reinforcement.