
Racism in Brazil To Abordar this subject becomes necessary to consider existing racism in Brazil. The first step stops to search solutions on definitive problem and to admit that it exists. In this way, it constitutes a current challenge, to surpass the myth of the racial democracy of that, Brazil is free of males of the discrimination, the preconception and racism. Cavalleiro (2001 P. 142) affirms that in Brazil, to deal with the question of racism cause one ' ' instant badly estar' ' mainly for the reluctance in accepting the existence of the exclusion of the black. Normally the manifestations of racism and the preconception according to Carmo (2006, P. 01), occur in guarded way, through hostilities, tricks and jokes that defend the idea of ' ' natural' ' inferiority of the black and that they are implicitly loaded of racist contents.

Walnut (2002, p.13) still affirms that racism in Brazil was born and remained during much time based on scientific theories that if had considered to explain that the inaqualities between the human beings are in the biological differences, the nature and the constitution of the human being. In such a way racism if consolidated in the culture Brazilian, influencing as ideology the social behaviors and values, becoming efficient instrument of regulation and control of the relations human beings According to Cavalleiro (2001 P. 142) because of existing racism in Brazil, constitucional laws are disrespected putting in ' ' xeque to the democracy brasileira' ' , to the author, the reality of the country comes being deeply influenced for ideology and practical discriminatory. Racism in the school the school comes throughout the years, in accordance with Menezes (2002, p.3) adopting education methods that they aim at to take care of to the necessities and interests of one dominant group that disrespects, the present cultural plurality in a classroom, becoming if thus a space of proliferation of the culture of the minority and if becoming a place that denies and accents the segregation and black exclusion of the groups and cultures. .