Our bodies not if they install in the relation with the similarities, but yes imbricados with the differences. Thus, valley to remember saying of the French philosopher Henri Brgson (1984, P. 86): ' ' my body does not finish in the skin. My body goes until estrelas' '. (PINK, 2011, P. 72, grifo of the author) We can attempting against in them for the care of the other reformulating our thought considering the citizen as it really is.
The child when dancing demonstrated its autonomy, its desires, its freedom. Petroni and Souza (2010) observe that The independent citizen, then, would be that one that if perceives in the world, that if becomes actor and author of its history, conscientious of that he is not alone, seeing themselves as different and learning with the differences; that one that makes use of resources to express itself freely and to be understood by the other, in a permanent exercise of the dialogue and the reflection, where it exerts its freedom. (P. 358) Thus, autonomy would be to allow that the other if discloses, if materialize, or simply either. As it affirms Maturana (1993), we are accustomed ' ' to embargo obra' ' of the life of the human being. In the context of the school, the student always develops its autonomy, in greater or minor degree, accord or conflict with the pertaining to school orientaes, as part of its personal and social growth. For the school, the option inhabits in facilitating or making it difficult this development, without obtaining impediz it in definitive. It is interesting to know that the school can unchain two perceivable vises in the relation with its actors: a reproductive vision or a transforming vision, that is, or the school inhibits the potential of these citizens or provides a personal and human growth. To establish a relation based on the autonomy is ' ' abraar' ' with force a transforming vision, and spoon good fruits of one for being humanizado.