The results of the evaluation that pupils of Average Ensino had made in 2010 had been known at the beginning of this week. As always, the famous way of the interpretations of the numbers is initiated. The press in weight detached a point in special? the best note average of the particular schools, comparing them with the public schools. That is a fact! Now, to make of this a base to affirm that the particular school is better that the public is a humbug. This is not a truth. As all we know, the numbers are cold and are the people manipulate who it in accordance with what they want to defend. Any one that is not involved with the education ' ' on the inside ' ' it would not have to take the data literally.
In fact, of 100 better notes in the Enem-2010, only 13 are public (being all federal ones? military, Caps or technician). If the number to go up for the 1,000 first the result is still worse? but 74 are of the public net. I agree that the first thought of a pupil father must be of that its son must study in a particular school, therefore the public schools are ' ' piores' '. The society as a whole, also the periodicals, had made this interpretation. I have that to say that they are been deceptive. I am a defender of the public school. more, I find that particular education is a reproducer of the social inaqualities. ALL THE SCHOOLS WOULD HAVE TO BE PUBLIC. In such a way, I doubt that I would lack resources and I guarantee that education would be of quality, therefore the influential sectors of the society would have its children studying there. To go direct to the point, what I want to defend is that the difference between the public and private school is the social condition of the pupil.