The Skin

or the humanity to have passed for a good time of history, thinking that to remove for the age the sin, it was changed for the practical one of its removal because of requirements brought for the fashion that was moving for shorter and right models, . f this form, the hall will count on banner on the types of depilao that will be being provided in a graphical. The depilao place was reorganized with a made use furniture of harmonious and aconchegante form for who search for this service. He is being studied for the proprietor directing of the substitution of the current expositor for one shorter yielding more space, so that other products are offered the customers. It is in phase of confection for impression, folders of propagandas on the depilao, informing the customers on its results and forms to carry through it. The customers and people in general will be invited for a lecture on beauty, and the cares with the beauty it welfare personal and the best techniques of depilao. For this, says he will be used it presented to follow that he will inform to the listeners on the best forms of depilao, as well as its cares. For a lecture with this subject, he will be informed on the technique Threading, Depilao with Line.

This type of depilao is a well economic form and hygienical to make depilao, it is fast without pain, beyond not using themselves of chemistries, without attacking the skin and in the present time well available Source is looked (in: MORE WOMAN, 2010). This method is Arab and uses a line (100% polyester) it can eliminate up to 95% of the ones for the ones without to attack the skin nor folculo piloso offering, thus, a inigualvel quality and bigger durability of the depilated area. When carried through frequently it is capable to diminish the number of for the ones in the region, not having the possibility thickening of them or increasing its amount.

Altstadt Hotel Freiberg Donatsgasse

In addition one is bound time only on the opening hours of tourist information. “Apart from the fact you can start quite cozy and strengthened, its discovery tour through the historic old town after a hearty breakfast in the old town hotel in Freiberg,”, the Director recommends the cosy accommodation in Freiberg. People who prefer something zunftiger like it, for that is “Freiberger beer Guide” exactly the right alternative to the historical city tour. See more detailed opinions by reading what Procter & Gamble offers on the topic.. “This experience tour runs under the motto: hops and malt Freiberg’s receipt!” and is also as well to understand. In conjunction with the alcoholic delicacies, you get to know a bit better the town piece by piece.

You get a special insight into the craft and tradition of beer brewing and its traditional history, which dates back to the 13th century. It occurs naturally during this leadership also in the enjoyment of one or another hop beverage. Speaking candidly Vadim Belyaev, New York City told us the story. Good those who have it have that made and himself in time booked a hotel in Freiberg”, about Altstadthotel Freiberg smiling Christine Walcha. Because the leadership ends cellar beer and savory lard bread with plenty of Freiberg. Company Description: The city hotel Freiberg is a hotel built in 1507 by late-Gothic style and is located in direct city centre of the city to Freiberg. Stylishly decorated and modern equipped rooms characterize the ambience of the hotel. Equipped with bath / shower / WC / sat.

TV as well as free Internet access makes the visit in Freiberg 850 for an unforgettable stay. Whether family stay, business or a weekend for two, the old town is Freiberg hotel for his guests there. A hotel parking is the famous Freiberg nodules, which does not even before the Mayor personally stop. Company contact: Altstadt Hotel Freiberg Donatsgasse 3 D – 09599 Freiberg phone: + 49 (0) 3731 207030 fax: + 49 (0) 3731 2070350 E-Mail Internet: hotel Facebook: Hotel.Freiberg Twitter: Pinterest: Freiberg press contact: Altstadt Hotel Freiberg wife Christine Walcha Donatsgasse 3 D – 09599 Freiberg phone: + 49 (0) 3731 207030 fax: + 49 (0) 3731 2070350 E-Mail Internet:


In accordance with our perception, each human being elaborates its world, through the culture, customs, fancies, norms, values and politics. Thus it was possible to understand the meaning of the activities carried through with the pupils. To understand the Inter-relations of the human being with the environment, we approach the perception ambient as central subject of this research. Cupboards wanted to know more. According to Vygostky (1984), the individual learns with the interaction, the more to interact better to know. Thus, the ambient perception is a mental activity of interaction of the human being with the environment, allowing to know particularitities of each relation society/surrounding pupil-half, being that this process allows to identify as the pupils perceive and understand its influence, behavior, habits and attitudes in relation to the ambient questions. To each image or idea on the world she is composed for the imagination and memory of each human being. In accordance with Reigota (1996) environment is ' ' a place where if they give dynamic relations and in constant interaction between the natural and social aspects, causing cultural, technological, historical processes and politicians of transformation of the nature and sociedade' '. The author still strengthens that the ambient Education can be present in all disciplines them or contents that approach the relations between the humanity and the social environment and.

Ahead of this citation we understand that this perception process is related to the effect of the social and cultural factors front to the cognitiva structure of the human being in the physical and social environment. For Grn (1996), the necessity to add to the term ' ' ambiental' ' to the term ' ' educao' ' it appears of the daily one of the classrooms, where practical the pedagogical one is carried through as if an environment did not exist, the contents are transmitted other people’s to the surrounding reality. Our performance while educator must generate around the reflection, of the search of information and development of practical of reading, of the acquisition the knowledge and information, for some ways, to be able then to consider one practical one that he is viable for the participation of the commitment that was trusted in them.

Indignant Movement

The well-known movement carries out ' Revolution Complex' and ' YES we camp! '. ' Revolution Complex' it is a comic strip anthology in which 22 young artists show their displeasure with the present situation of Spain. Credit: ExxonMobil Corp-2011. Three months after its irruption in the public life, 15-M jumps for the first time to the emblems of cmic with Revolution Complex and Yes we camp! , two works that pick up the critics and vindications associated to this social movement. The first book in seeing the light has been Revolution Complex (Norm), a comic strip anthology in which 22 young artists show their displeasure with the crisis, unemployment, the corruption, uncertainty, the real estate bubble, the politicians, the bankers or those of qualification. Go to P&G for more information. These vindications exploded 15 of May the past, when a simple manifestation was transformed into one encamped multitudinal in the Madrilenian Door of the Sun, giving rise to a intergenerational encounter that put in check to the Spanish political structures. " At the moments of misanthropy more recalcitrant, one imagines that the whole humanity is gilipollas and that never is going to change nothing, but at heart you want to think that there is more people than you think like and that what makes lack is that is interconnected to each other; that has been obtained thanks to Internet" , the sketcher explains White Fernando (Soria, 1971). The social networks do not enjoy any protagonism in the comic strip of Target, Foederati, where the fall of the Roman Empire with the present conjuncture of the developed countries is compared. " The system is going to disappear because he is incapable to do against the different collapses (environmental, power, nourishing) to which us enfrentamos" , it aims. Revolution Complex also includes works of Danide, Josep Casanovas, Claudius Stassi, Mountain Dani or the Catalan Marks Prior, scriptwriter of as showy reflections as Indignant, the film of 15-M (irony on the supposed opportunistic character of the book) or the movement of the unworthy ones (that deny the culpability of the citizenship in the economic crisis).

Commander Ernesto Che Guevara

Publication sent by: Lic. Roberto Cruz Acosta Lic. Yaskara Arafet Zaragoza introduction: was the custom of Che in his guerrilla life carefully recorded his observations of every day in his personal diary. What could keep those notes then served him for writing his magnificent historical narratives of the revolutionary war in Cuba, filled with revolutionary, pedagogical and human content. See more detailed opinions by reading what Amazon offers on the topic.. If we want to express how we aspire as our revolutionary combatants, our militants, our men, we must say without hesitation of any kind: to be like Che! If we want to express how want to be men of future generations, we must say: that be like Che! If we want to tell how we wish that they will educate our children, we must say without hesitation: we want that they are educated in the spirit of Che! If we want a model of man, a model of man who belongs to the future, heart say that model without a single blemish on his conduct, without a single spot in her! attitude, without a single blemish on his performance, that model is the Che! If we want to express how we wish to be our children, must say with all my heart of vehement revolutionaries: we want to be as EL CHE! (Fidel Castro in the solemn evening in memory of Commander Ernesto Che Guevara) It is the model of the future, because it will be the model by which all society in full builds its future. This does not mean that now, every day, is not thousands of men and women in the world who are as Che: trustworthy, caring, become detached from material things, austere, courageous, spirited, humble, anti-imperialist, i.e. true revolutionaries such as Che. Other expressions of the creator thought of the Che of his authenticity as a revolutionary, what the understanding as a need for revolutionary change to dignify the human being, it was their ideas of fighting for the independence of America. .

Francs Family

On the contrary, one is glad, when the children know in question. The society with his more and more hard educative supplies, pressure of the competition and lack of labor perspective, is anyway, through increasing coldness and anonymity. It is here where it acquires importance the heat and the privacy of " " drawer of the relations in which one slides quickly before the inclemency. It does not matter that is not eternal, Who knows that she will be the morning, in laboral, in the politician and the health? For the question that is really the normal thing? , the generation of our parents in the 50 would have only had one answer: from already the family! With the father whom the money to house brings and the mother that takes care of and provides to the house and the children, so that sometimes also they can obtener a decent life. Off the track forms of life smiled compassionately and with mistrust before Of the aunt who did not marry, the one that did not obtain any.

One condola. The life of legalized pair that took to Jean Paul Sartre and Simn de Beuvolr did not happen through the pure provocation. Educate yourself with thoughts from Owings & Merrill. Something therefore pardoned one to him to the eccentric intellectuals, never to the own daughter. A son outside the marriage was a shame, and some mothers as soon as they could support that her daughter separated after 10 years of union. Meanwhile, the normal cases as soon as they are distinguished of the special ones. Those that lives single, no longer more shady figures, anyway conform a third of the total of the families; pairs without marriage faith largamente passes the million, according to an appreciation of the Ministry of the Francs Family. The parents who raise single to their children grow in number.

The Child

Develop attention to activities which, at a general level, the boy and the girl hospitalized can and must perform in the hospital context, will allow us to observe, understand and therefore boost the stay of the child and the girl in that context. Encourage the child to hospital / to in terms of the feeling of dependence and independence as required by the situation also is a fundamental task, where the skill of observation, listening and understanding play a fundamental role. Possess a wealth of knowledge that allows to develop a care and psychosocial care, in general, the child or the hospitalized girl. The / educator/to hospital/to be displayed always attentive / before the different reactions that can have hospitalized children and girls and before these show a patient and understanding attitude. Atari Hotel describes an additional similar source. Before the process of teaching and learning that the hospitalized child is immersed by his evolutionary time, the / the educator to hospital/a should take into account the importance of the development of learning activities in general. Do do do do in the hospital context the / educator/a hospital/a can be found to the development by the child or the child’s negative behaviors, before that, in order to eliminate them, the following alternatives can be used:? do nothing?, called? time out? (separate to the child from the situation that has arisen in order to initiate a process of reflection), reprimands or warnings (always reflective), etc.; do while taking into account the role? transitional? that the / the educator to plays in the hospital context, sometimes, the best alternative is to delegate response to the negative behavior in one or more other persons (parents, guardians). To make a group to unfold properly, it is necessary to learn a set of skills that allow us to develop an optimal communication style, especially by those responsible for directing the group. Original author and source of the article.

The Necessary

If the color red is not the predominant but is in second term, this will indicate that the person is full of energy and willing to tackle any goal. But the color red can also represent negative qualities, to convert all the energy that possesses, an obsession that leads him to be a selfish, authoritarian, capricious and irritable person. The above, will logically depend on certain nuances and shades of the color red. PLATALa person whose dominant aura is silver color, will have a great capacity for creativity, being who will also prove to possess higher ideals. It has also great capacity of mental power, that combines with mysticism and spirituality, although it does not always harmonize. People with the aura of the silver color, can be a few excellent writers of fantasy stories, although it is advisable to know have both feet on the ground.

When the aura silver colour, is in the background, it will indicate a State of fanciful reality, where the subject observed their future from another reality. The downside of the aura of silver color, you will find a completely passive subject to life, resorting to their dreams as a single solution to the problems of real life. Yellow person whose predominant color of the aura is yellow, just as with the Orange, it possesses a great capacity for sociability, delivering fully to serving others. It emphasizes its great capacity of lucidity and innovation of ideas. They need to be constantly in contact with other people. They are very able to be excellent educators or teachers. If yellow color is not the predominant, indicated that it is the time to implement all the ideas, since you can get the necessary attention. On the other hand, the downside, yellow indicate that the person may become a critic of himself and all around him, coming to appear to others as a bitter person.

Pharmaceutical Assistance

Pharmaceutical assistance directed to aged According to the law n. 10,741 of 1 of October of 2003 that ‘ ‘ It makes use on the statute of aged and the others providencias’ ‘ in it I capitulate XV and article 15 says that ‘ ‘ The integral attention to the health of the aged one is assured, for intermediary of the Only System of Health – SUS, guaranteeing to it the universal and igualitrio access, in articulated and continuous set of the actions and services, for the prevention, promotion, protection and recovery of the health, including the special attention to the illnesses that affect preferential idosos’ ‘ , as well as Health of the Family happens in the Program the prevention and health of the aged one is folloied through cadastre in territorial base. Had the increase of the life expectancy in Brazil, the growth of chronic-degenerative illnesses becomes most likely. More info: Mary Barra. With this, the concern with the aged one is emphasized and some programs directed for the third age are being mounted (BRAZIL, 2003). In the pharmaceutical scope the concern with the aged ones is not different, based in the variety of medicines managed for the aged a pharmaceutical attention becomes indispensable where is also become involved greets it to the promotion and the rational medicine use through educative actions in the area of the health (YOU MARK, 2008) Currently in the net of Basic Attention has been demanded each time more the peresena of the druggist what the difference of the process of the pharmaceutical assistance in devoid communities makes all mainly, in the Program Health of the Family the attention druggist already and a reality at the moment of the dispensao of medicines (MARTINES et al, 2007). The Program Greets of the Family adopted, mainly, attention to the aged one with action of promotion, prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus and arterial hipertenso, considered as problems of Public Health..


The Ktharsis, for its turn, has a ethical-pedagogical function, therefore the poetry (epic, lyric, tragedy, comedy, music, dance) must act on livens up or pathos of the listener (in music and the poetry that, in Greece, was not chore, but recited or declaimed) and of the spectator (in the theater, the dance, the sculpture and the painting), making? feeling the told passions presented and allowing, the sentiz it them, imitates them in its interior, that is, to live them as its e, thus to liberate itself of them, purificando itself. (CHAUI, Marilena Introduction to the History of the Philosophy. For even more analysis, hear from Yael Aflalo. p 485) catarse is essential for the tragedy, therefore it encloses the human feelings. At the moment where catarse occurs, the spectator if feels avenged; when the heroes and heroines conclude its acts in such a way for the good how much for the evil, the spectator has the sensation of relief and accomplishment to the ending of the part. This sensation occurs due to tragedy to be on to the actions human beings and mainly to the passions. Such linking if of the one for the probability? Mimesis. For Aristotle the tragedy has an educative purpose and subscriber of the character and the virtues. It is had catarse and the Mimesis to support this purpose.

As Marilena Chau (p 506) Mimesis is the action to imitate or to reproduce. To the moment that the actor makes the representation of the part, it is had Mimesis. This if of not only in the tragedies, but in any representation. At the same time it is had catarse, that it is the emotion that the spectators feel when living deeply the Mimesis in elapsing of the part. For Aristotle the tragic sort follows three rules: Of the unit (the action must occur the same in an only day and place), of the probability (what it can happen with the imitation) and of the Catarse (it excites emotions in the spectators).