
In accordance with our perception, each human being elaborates its world, through the culture, customs, fancies, norms, values and politics. Thus it was possible to understand the meaning of the activities carried through with the pupils. To understand the Inter-relations of the human being with the environment, we approach the perception ambient as central subject of this research. Cupboards wanted to know more. According to Vygostky (1984), the individual learns with the interaction, the more to interact better to know. Thus, the ambient perception is a mental activity of interaction of the human being with the environment, allowing to know particularitities of each relation society/surrounding pupil-half, being that this process allows to identify as the pupils perceive and understand its influence, behavior, habits and attitudes in relation to the ambient questions. To each image or idea on the world she is composed for the imagination and memory of each human being. In accordance with Reigota (1996) environment is ' ' a place where if they give dynamic relations and in constant interaction between the natural and social aspects, causing cultural, technological, historical processes and politicians of transformation of the nature and sociedade' '. The author still strengthens that the ambient Education can be present in all disciplines them or contents that approach the relations between the humanity and the social environment and.

Ahead of this citation we understand that this perception process is related to the effect of the social and cultural factors front to the cognitiva structure of the human being in the physical and social environment. For Grn (1996), the necessity to add to the term ' ' ambiental' ' to the term ' ' educao' ' it appears of the daily one of the classrooms, where practical the pedagogical one is carried through as if an environment did not exist, the contents are transmitted other people’s to the surrounding reality. Our performance while educator must generate around the reflection, of the search of information and development of practical of reading, of the acquisition the knowledge and information, for some ways, to be able then to consider one practical one that he is viable for the participation of the commitment that was trusted in them.