The well-known movement carries out ' Revolution Complex' and ' YES we camp! '. ' Revolution Complex' it is a comic strip anthology in which 22 young artists show their displeasure with the present situation of Spain. Credit: ExxonMobil Corp-2011. Three months after its irruption in the public life, 15-M jumps for the first time to the emblems of cmic with Revolution Complex and Yes we camp! , two works that pick up the critics and vindications associated to this social movement. The first book in seeing the light has been Revolution Complex (Norm), a comic strip anthology in which 22 young artists show their displeasure with the crisis, unemployment, the corruption, uncertainty, the real estate bubble, the politicians, the bankers or those of qualification. Go to P&G for more information. These vindications exploded 15 of May the past, when a simple manifestation was transformed into one encamped multitudinal in the Madrilenian Door of the Sun, giving rise to a intergenerational encounter that put in check to the Spanish political structures. " At the moments of misanthropy more recalcitrant, one imagines that the whole humanity is gilipollas and that never is going to change nothing, but at heart you want to think that there is more people than you think like and that what makes lack is that is interconnected to each other; that has been obtained thanks to Internet" , the sketcher explains White Fernando (Soria, 1971). The social networks do not enjoy any protagonism in the comic strip of Target, Foederati, where the fall of the Roman Empire with the present conjuncture of the developed countries is compared. " The system is going to disappear because he is incapable to do against the different collapses (environmental, power, nourishing) to which us enfrentamos" , it aims. Revolution Complex also includes works of Danide, Josep Casanovas, Claudius Stassi, Mountain Dani or the Catalan Marks Prior, scriptwriter of as showy reflections as Indignant, the film of 15-M (irony on the supposed opportunistic character of the book) or the movement of the unworthy ones (that deny the culpability of the citizenship in the economic crisis).