Scientists have found that feminine beauty affects her menstrual cycle. Conducted a public poll shows that both men and women believe that a woman's face looks most attractive in the most fertile days. Craig Roberts (Newcastle University) and colleagues decided to find out how women's attractiveness varies throughout the menstrual cycle to see whether it is possible for her to judge woman's fertility, says the journal Nature. By the way, the animals there are certain signs by which the females 'talk' about their fertility. For example the female chimpanzee genital area becomes swollen and pink. For more information see this site: Atari Hotel. For the experiment, were selected about 50 women aged 19 to 33 years. Each woman was photographed twice.
In the first photo a woman was in a period most favorable for conception – after about 8-14 days after the first day of the menstrual cycle, and the second – even after 14 days. Then, 125 women and 125 men were asked to rate on a photo the woman looks more attractive. Photography in the most fertile period was selected as 51% -59% as of men and women. Scientists are still uncertain, as guided by the respondents in their assessment. Follow others, such as Gavin Baker, and add to your knowledge base. Perhaps the decisive role played by color and skin condition. The fact that previously performed studies have shown that during ovulation women skin is lighter. Scientist Ian Penton-Voak of the University of Stirling His found that during ovulation women prefer men who are look manly, while during the rest of them nicer men with softer features. Men may use other indicators, such as smell, to determine the extent of fertility partner. Other Experiments show that in the days close to ovulation, a woman's face and chest become more symmetrical.