This situation has led to the increase of the frequency of these phenomena in the great urban centers, generating in some cases, great catastrophes. Before placing in practical our analyses on ambient impacts in our object of study, the Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro, agrees definiz it, locating it and to characterize it socially and geographically. Kitchens shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. According to CIDE (2010) the Region metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro is composed for 16 cities, namely: Rio De Janeiro, Purple Belford, Duke of Caxias, Guapimirim, Itabora, Japeri, Mag, Maric, Nilpolis, Niteri, New Iguau, Burnt, They are Gonalo, They are Joo de Meriti, Seropdica and Tangu. According to data of the IBGE (2008), the Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro presents a population of 11,9 million people, having the biggest tax of urbanization of the country, reaching in the year of 2000, according to data of the demographic Census, the porcentual of 99,3% of people inhabiting urban areas. This region presents in its small farm characteristic peculiar, since it presents complex and distinct forms physically very.
To start this region, in a generalized manner, it is placed enters the coast, that included the Bay of Guanabara, and the Mountain range of the Sea. An area of lowered, formed for a plain area enters these colon localiz. Spread throughout this plain they appear marrotes rounded off with altitudes understood between 30 and 100 meters of altitude, beyond some coastal bulks, as of the Mendanha, Gerecin and White Pedra. Also we cannot leave to cite that in this Lowered area of a vast net is placed hidrogrfica, formed for a great number of rivers and canals, that are fed through the fretico sheet and/or by the water draining of scarps of the Mountain range of the Sea or coastal Bulks. Another aspect important to be cited when it is said in urban ambient impacts in the RMRJ (Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro) is the climate.