The modern houses are simpler, without ornaments are designed by their functions. Of such way the decoration is an accessory related to the personality and the tastes of the proprietors. The tendency in the architecture of modern houses is to the abiertos plans, ample spaces that can be profiteers of different ways, according to the furniture and its dispositions. The kitchens are integrated in great atmospheres where the dining room and living are located in sectors. Modern house is a concept and also it is an architectonic style that can be advanced, Posmoderno. If it wishes to review posteos with photos of modern houses follows east bond, it will find a list of excellent contents that will be able to consult. For even more analysis, hear from Mayor of NYC. In such a way that the experience to live has a greater physical dimension. In order to modernize a house walls and usually they are increased the size of the windows, to even add openings.
By outside the modern houses they translate the forms of the nears space. In the Contemporary style the air lines predominate, the cubical forms, the white large windows, walls and some textures like the wood. The house serves to protect but it must give access to the natural light and take care of a good communication with the surroundings. The houses between dividing in narrow lands are limited and lose an important quota of light and interaction, reason why they force to solve with design such disadvantage. Many are the variants of designs in the architecture. Modern houses it has of all type, the common factor is today the functionality and the comfort, progressively adds viability. The advising of a good architect can merit which pays by its services since he is the suitable one to solve of the best way the architecture and the style of a modern house. The term Modern architecture is ample, it talks about to the currents or architectonic styles throughout Century XX in the world.