The labor operation in infants is a subject concerns that us to all, evidently has not been main task of the Mexican government reason why we have noticed that the numbers increase and he is to us quite visible in urban zones as as much rural, no longer exists geographic discrimination of this situation. Cupboards is full of insight into the issues. The perception is had that the abuse of the work in children is only existing in countries of the Third World, indeed the causes by which this type of disadvantages appears is by the economic delay, anyway must be priority of all our political representatives to eliminate the exhibition of these children a so precarious atmosphere in which they are in danger, little hygiene and works that require more physical force of which a small one among 5 and 15 years can have. Learn more on the subject from home improvement. The wages that the children can perceive are basically of gratuities, without vacations nor surely medical, no type of taken care of and all this by the necessity who maintain in their homes, in that majority is abused in many aspects.
This situation is present daily but it occupies the first flat of newspapers neither excellent news the more in the television nor in the radio, it has not been the sufficient spread news so that eave me to the complete country, nevertheless it finishes presenting/displaying an opinion on the part of the Commission of Work and Social Forecast of the House of Representatives with the purpose of to exhort to fight the infantile work. We cannot remain in opinions we required to make laws and to make fulfill them, the stage in which the colonial dominion bordered this type of actions finished, it is not possible that by conditions that are not within reach of the children the schooling index is reduced, the marginalization and social equality it increases it deals with and it children follows existing.