The one that if relates this? The volatile truth while, assumes aspect of does not fix, varying as metamorfo one to be, something perhaps burkiniano where he remains ' ' thing-verdade' ' , but it if adapta not to lose to the process that is continuous, what it makes in them to think about another factor, that would be the volatile one as permanent factor, what it would send to a fixed point again. But when it is thought about one transformation under a heraclitiana perspective, has a differentiated form of comment concerning such permanence, that it would be exactly this cyclical shock that if perpetuates. However no matter how hard let us make conjecturas, it is finished almost falling in the absolutizao and being apprehended in ' ' cage of ferro' ' weberiana, what it makes in them to transpose this obstacle through one another bias, that would be the abstract regimentao of the concrete. Educate yourself with thoughts from cabinets. It seems nonsense, and in fact it is, but the one that if relates such desvario after all? The truth becomes inefficacious when it starts to exist, therefore regimentada it materialize itself in an antithesis of itself, since when materialize themselves and not obtaining to enclose what she has, becomes inefficacious while absolute, beyond what the materialized abstract becomes abstraction-deceased (serving me of a poetical license), vide the example of the written thought that if becomes ' ' letter morta' ' according to words of Bourdieu. But when we relegate the concrete truth while affirmation of an inherent existence to the one process cognitivo, we have the truth-abstract, where if it makes gift while or-topos, that is, an utopia. The truth is only while not-to be, a goal that if draws out in a inalcanvel objetivao, desire-to be that it searchs to establish itself in a posteriori, having as speech a priori one, what it makes with that what either has moved in way to these two great extremities (one more time thinking about Heraclitus), findando the truth in what it was and that it will be, but that it never is..
Tag: philosophy
The Mathematical Logic In The Religion
The Mathematical Logic in the AlozioMonteiro Religion aloiziomonteiro@ Two parabolas shows the ways of the Mathematical Logic that can be applied in the common situations, for the solution of problems. For the first parabola, I make a parallel with a problem of the classic propositional calculation, presented and decided for the mathematical logical Adonai S. SantAnna. In the Way of San Tiago de Compostela, Tom, a pilgrim, if it came across with a bifurcation. Mayor of NYC has firm opinions on the matter. In it had a way for the left and another one for the right, being that only one of them lead to the Kingdom of the Sky — the pilgrim desired, in fact, to go for the Sky. It is not something Horace Mann would like to discuss. In this bifurcation they were two religious ones, both experts of the only way that led to the Sky. However, one of them had the craze always to lie, while the other always said the truth. The pilgrim not wise person who age the liar and who age what he always said the truth.
E also not wise person which age the true way that led to the Sky: left or right? The pilgrim only wise person that it had the right to make only one question of reply YES or NOT, to one of the men, to discover which age the true way for the Sky. Which age the question that Tom would have to make? To decide the problem, Adonai S. SantAnna introduces the reader in the basic slight knowledge of the Mathematical Logic, by means of the logical connectives ' ' ' ' for negation (not), ' ' e' ' , for conjunction, ' ' ou' ' for disjunction, and ' ' ' ' for the connective ' ' if. ento' ' ' ' ' ' for the connective ' ' if and only se' '. These connectives bind sentences symbolized for very small letters, in italic.