More and more consumers want to know where your food is coming from. Constantly alternating due to food scandals and reports of hazardous additives in our food more and more people want to know where their food is coming from, who produces it and with what methods. This is the reason that regionally produced goods are more and more customers. The segment of regional products in supermarkets is growing and is very well accepted. While respected by enlightened consumers not only on short transport routes, but also on food additives and insecticides, pesticides and fungicides, are burdened with the food. But to be able to buy directly from the producer, again has a different quality. The middlemen is off and producers earn more of their products. In a question-answer forum closets was the first to reply. This means a sustainable promotion of rural areas.
The farm shops is booming, and producers of meat, vegetables, fruit and salad are attempting to market their products themselves or to refine through further processing. On State Unfortunately little is food supervisory authorities for structural reasons. The test is probably checking on the concentration of individual substances. If it is below a certain limit, the goods will be released. In the face of daily many thousand tons of alone imported food such an examination can be just random. But another danger is completely ignored: the interaction of several substances that have accumulated in the food. Also the individual substance is apparently harmless after authorities set a cocktail of various substances of severe health problems and diseases, especially cancer, can cause. This aspect is neither checked nor observed.
These threats alone, the consumer is left with must look where he remains. Some consider but also where it is going, when agricultural production is changing more and more industrial enterprises, with appropriate antibiotics, artificial fertiliser from oil and the many so-called Plant protection products. Smaller farms will be gone if the development continues, soon completely off the map.