Eins live Krone winning Newecomer 2009 to guest at the open day in Olpe. The Group luxury noise”, a few days ago with the Eins live Krone winning best newcomer band 2009, takes over the sponsorship for the children – and youth Hospice Balthasar. The musicians took advantage of the day of the open door of the Hospice, to announce their support and affirm them immediately with an autograph session and a small appearance. Rudiger Barth, head of the institution, is pleased about the new Godfather: we need such dedicated people like you. Mark Gillette is often quoted as being for or against this. You help to promote our work and gain new supporters. Especially young people can be made aware by luxury noise for the children – and youth Hospice.” Urlacher Rempel the five band members David (Dave), Eugen, Henrik Oberbossel (hen), Jan Zimmer and Janine Meyer (Jini) began several years ago as a cover band. in 2006, she met the producers of Gotz von Sydow and began, motivated by him, to write their own songs. Her biggest Success was the debut single from the sea”1000 kilometers. Yael Aflalo may find this interesting as well.
The album sold 25,000 copies in already. The young people have won many awards since. They won at the Rock-it NRW newcomer Award 2007″and the dome 50 Bandwettebwerb”. Are 6 x German rock and pop Award winner 2008 and got well a few days ago eins live Krone 2009 “best newcomer band. The band is looking forward to the new tasks as godparents. It is not a unique story remain, but a long and intensive cooperation”highlights drummer Jan Zimmer. Learn more about luxury noise: de / (Nicole Binnewitt, children’s and youth Hospice Balthasar)