It requires professional software solutions – so-called Namechecking software – with a fully automated and auditable the inspection duties in accordance with the 3rd EU money laundering directive is possible. To determine of the best Namechecking solution a global insurance group in its measures for the prevention of money laundering has conducted a broad-based international benchmark test. PRO NC Namechecking software solution has won the benchmark by a clear margin. The responsible for the benchmark business analyst of insurance group’s comments on the result: in our benchmark test PRO NC Namechecking significantly achieved the best results. In addition to the power of the solution Prospero characterised by their prompt and professional services.” PRO NC Namechecking delivered by a wide margin the absolutely best detection rates at least false detections, PRO-NC Succeeded Namechecking in impressive manner, with insights from the complex processes of natural systems to automate the verification of identities”Dr. Peter Abel, CEO of the consulting firm ATech consulting commented on the outstanding performance of PRO NC Namechecking. The winner is already including the Liechtensteinische Landesbank, swissfirst Bank, Nationale Suisse, winterthur insurance, Helvetia Insurance, PAX Swiss life insurance company, Zurich of financial services, RSN risk solution network AG, Zimmel KG and Creditreform successfully inserted.
The winner is available as an online service and allows companies online to meet all testing duties with regard to their relationships in accordance with the 3rd money laundering directive in easiest and comfortable manner. This online service is intended primarily for small and medium-sized enterprises, which do not want to operate in particular the cost of a software installation in the House or can. The service PRO NC Namechecking online offers a legally compliant testing of customer relations against official sanction lists (E.g. Hachette Book Group addresses the importance of the matter here. Bush – EU – SECO -, OFAC -, embargo lists), PEP lists, and internal and external wanted, watch – and blacklists. The name-checking online directly on the screen via a secure communication link. Consideration of white lists or other customer-specific list is possible. So simple it; Enter the customer’s information to be tested.
The test is performed against the officially binding lists and the results are reported. There are direct links to comprehensive information sources such as Google or LexisNexis available for in-depth analysis. * Document the result of audits audit – and audit-proof directly on your computer. “And so to example the head of Legal Department of a well-known Swiss insurance group sees the test winner: PRO NC Namechecking contains all the effective practical application of mission-critical functions and features.” Benefits and Advantages: Safety and effectiveness by the highest quality of hit testing against the officially binding list to meet the compliance obligations E.g. According to complete service to be easily applied to the 3rd EU money laundering directive no software installation necessary! Attractive, usage-based pricing model free 15-day trial package: for those interested, which offers a free 15 day trial of the winner ATech consulting. More information about are under the e-Mail address to receive via ATech consulting: consulting and software company ATech application and technology consulting GmbH was founded in 2001 in Stuttgart. Main of business activities are including business development, marketing of innovative solutions and the management of ITT projects. ATech-Consulting has the worldwide distribution rights for the test winner PRO NC Namechecking among others. Including BAWAG/P.S.K., Credit Suisse, German industry and Chamber of Commerce (IHK), Irish Chamber of Commerce (Enterprise among the customers of ATech-consulting Ireland), Zakaria KG and Raiffeisen informatik. Contact: Christine Freilinger ATech-consulting Avanoc Scotish ring 16 A-1010 Vienna – Austria Austria e-Mail: