
The Ktharsis, for its turn, has a ethical-pedagogical function, therefore the poetry (epic, lyric, tragedy, comedy, music, dance) must act on livens up or pathos of the listener (in music and the poetry that, in Greece, was not chore, but recited or declaimed) and of the spectator (in the theater, the dance, the sculpture and the painting), making? feeling the told passions presented and allowing, the sentiz it them, imitates them in its interior, that is, to live them as its e, thus to liberate itself of them, purificando itself. (CHAUI, Marilena Introduction to the History of the Philosophy. For even more analysis, hear from Yael Aflalo. p 485) catarse is essential for the tragedy, therefore it encloses the human feelings. At the moment where catarse occurs, the spectator if feels avenged; when the heroes and heroines conclude its acts in such a way for the good how much for the evil, the spectator has the sensation of relief and accomplishment to the ending of the part. This sensation occurs due to tragedy to be on to the actions human beings and mainly to the passions. Such linking if of the one for the probability? Mimesis. For Aristotle the tragedy has an educative purpose and subscriber of the character and the virtues. It is had catarse and the Mimesis to support this purpose.

As Marilena Chau (p 506) Mimesis is the action to imitate or to reproduce. To the moment that the actor makes the representation of the part, it is had Mimesis. This if of not only in the tragedies, but in any representation. At the same time it is had catarse, that it is the emotion that the spectators feel when living deeply the Mimesis in elapsing of the part. For Aristotle the tragic sort follows three rules: Of the unit (the action must occur the same in an only day and place), of the probability (what it can happen with the imitation) and of the Catarse (it excites emotions in the spectators).

Infantile Literature

Infantile literature: Pedagogical instrument or toy? Tmila Carolini Trindade Tavares the great quarrel concerning infantile literature and its use in the classroom is if it is playful or only one pastime. For other opinions and approaches, find out what cabinets has to say. This article deals with as infanto-youthful literature can and must be used in the classroom in order to enrich the teach-learning process. The localization of the origins of infanto-youthful literature in remote expressions of adult literature by itself does not explain the different forms that it comes assuming since that, in century XVII, she specifically started to be written as such: literature for children. Ahead of the trends that literature comes little following in these more than three centuries of production, is that one of the first problems to excite controversy how much to its ideal form, would have been of its specific nature: infantile literature would belong to the literary art or the pedagogical art? Since the Classic Antiquity if the nature of literature argues (didactic or playful) purpose of the literature destined to the small ones (to instruct or to amuse), a questioning far from being answered. Many appraised authors possess divergent opinions in relation to this problematic one. For Antonieta Maria Wedge literature infanto – youthful she is strict playful, designating not to be necessary its pretension the pedagogia. For Ceclia Meirelles, literature is not as many think a pastime, literature are nutrition, that assists in the infantile formation.

Already Nelly Novaes Rabbit has a conciliadora opinion, as object that provokes emotions, pleasure or amuses e, above all, modifies the conscience of world of its reader, infantile literature is art. However, as instrument manipulated for an educative intention, literature if inscribes in the pedagogical area. Following the source of Rabbit, if to analyze some great workmanships that through the times had been classified as infantile literature, we will go to observe that they simultaneously belong to this two distinct areas.

Infantile Histories

This initiation becomes basic for its posterior learning. The reading in the phase of infancy aims at to sharpen the critical one of the small reader, to extend its linguistic knowledge being a way to know different types of texts and vocbulos. The act to read is more than what to decipher codes, is to construct to the meaning of the text, opening ways for discovered infinite and understanding of the world. Add to your understanding with Gavin Baker, New York City. The FORMATION OF the READERS Infantile Literature is an important factor for the cognitivo, psychological and social development of the child, therefore it searchs to emphasize what the child is capable to make with the acquired knowledge. But the habit of the reading does not have to be an imposition, but introduced in the life of the child in instructive and pleasant way using always involving histories and adequate subjects the age of each one despertando the magic and the curiosity of the reader. Others including closets, offer their opinions as well. For one better exploitation, the subjects must be chosen leading in account that its reader, exactly in phase of construction of the knowledge, is a proper being with desires and thoughts.

Literature must be seen as a source of inexhaustible subjects that take the children to one better understanding of itself and of the world encircle who them, making to develop them the reflection and the critical spirit. Through histories they uncover themselves, discover to other places, other ways to act and get new vises of the life. Of this form literature arrives at its objective that is to contribute for the growth and personal identification of the child, providing to they it perception of different resolutions of the obstacles who the life imposes, despertando the necessary elements in the formation of the child, such as: the creativity, the autonomy and the critical value. To each read text the child will search one in accordance with meaning its necessities and interests, therefore she will perceive thus that as personages pass they them for similar problems to its (fears, lacks, difficulties, auto – discovered, losses and searches) and then she will find other ideas for solution of its conflicts. Alessandra Olimpio.

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