or the humanity to have passed for a good time of history, thinking that to remove for the age the sin, it was changed for the practical one of its removal because of requirements brought for the fashion that was moving for shorter and right models, . f this form, the hall will count on banner on the types of depilao that will be being provided in a graphical. The depilao place was reorganized with a made use furniture of harmonious and aconchegante form for who search for this service. He is being studied for the proprietor directing of the substitution of the current expositor for one shorter yielding more space, so that other products are offered the customers. It is in phase of confection for impression, folders of propagandas on the depilao, informing the customers on its results and forms to carry through it. The customers and people in general will be invited for a lecture on beauty, and the cares with the beauty it welfare personal and the best techniques of depilao. For this, says he will be used it presented to follow that he will inform to the listeners on the best forms of depilao, as well as its cares. For a lecture with this subject, he will be informed on the technique Threading, Depilao with Line.
This type of depilao is a well economic form and hygienical to make depilao, it is fast without pain, beyond not using themselves of chemistries, without attacking the skin and in the present time well available Source is looked (in: MORE WOMAN, 2010). This method is Arab and uses a line (100% polyester) it can eliminate up to 95% of the ones for the ones without to attack the skin nor folculo piloso offering, thus, a inigualvel quality and bigger durability of the depilated area. When carried through frequently it is capable to diminish the number of for the ones in the region, not having the possibility thickening of them or increasing its amount.