The social relations of the man are had by the relations that the man keeps with the nature, where develop its practical, that is, the man if constitutes from its proper work, and its society if he constitutes from its material conditions of production, that depend on natural factors (climate, biology,> is the production of the life, as much of the proper one, in the work, as of the Autia, in the procreation appears now as double relation: natural and social.> productive force, that added, conditions the social State. Consequentemente, history of the humanity must be studied and be elaborated in connection with the history of the industry and the exchanges . If to analyze the historical context of the man, in the promrdios, we will perceive that it had a collectivism spirit: all shared of the same land, did not have private property; until the hunting she was shared for all. The people who were inserted in this community always worried ones about the others, in providing necessities ones with the others. But with passing of the time, the man, with its territorial discoveries, finished becoming inevitable the settlings and, therefore, the escravismo, because of its ambition.
The slave excluisivamente served to its Sir, produced it and its life was in function of it. The collectivism of> indians finished; the escravismo if transformed into a relation: now the slave worked less for its Sir, and for its work he conquered a land piece for its subsistence, that is, the servant worked days of the week for its gentleman and others for itself. This relation feudal servant-Mr. functioned during certain period in the history of the humanity, but, because of a series of factors and events, between them the population increase, the commerce conditions (the possibility appeared of the servant to get capital through its extreme production), the mercantilista capitalism, the feudalismo decayed; thus, gave space to a new economic system: the industrial capitalism (that it had its development for to culminate during the industrial revolution, with sprouting of the proletarian classroom).